Assemblies And Legislation

III. Assemblies and Legislation

Laws and Legislation

Any new law or legislation must be initiated by a magistrate,
discussed and debated among the Senate, and then brought before one
of the people's assemblies for a vote.

Comitia Centuriata (Assembly of the Centuries)

The people shall be divided, by class, into 170 centuries.
The first class shall be divided into 80 centuries; the second, third,
and fourth, each into 20; the fifth into 30. The Head Count shall
consist of one century.

The majority of each century shall hold the vote on any matter
brought before it, causing the entire century to cast its vote with
its own majority. A simple majority of centuries will decide the
matter for the assembly.

The comitia centuriata shall decide matters of peace and war and bear
the responsibility of electing higher magistrates. It shall also
serve as a body of appeal in criminal cases in which the death
penalty has been imposed.

The assembly shall be convened by a magistrate who bears Imperium.
It meets on the Fields of War.

Comitia Tributa (Assembly of the Tribes)

The people shall be divided into their thirty-five tribes for the
Comitia Tributa.

The majority of each tribe shall hold the vote on any matter
brought before it, causing the entire tribe to cast its vote with
its own majority. A simple majority of tribes will decide the
matter for the assembly.

The comitia tributa is responsible for electing lesser magistrates
and serves as a body of appeal for any case in which capital
punishment is not involved.

The assembly shall be convened by tribunes, praetors, or consuls, and
shall convene in the Iridine Forum.

The Senate
The Senate shall consist of 300 patricians of the republic and shall
serve to advise the elected and chosen magistrates. The Senate shall
itself not possess lawmaking power, but shall have the ability to
issue decrees. It shall be divided into thirty groups of ten called
decurion, each of which shall be led by a senior senator.

Membership in the Senate shall be determined by the censors. In order
to be considered, a citizen must be thirty years of age, have
property- and land-based income of more than 1 million denar per year,
as well as have an unimpeachable reputation. A member of the Senate
is not allowed to engage in common commerce or trade.

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