Codex The Body Brawling Book

First of all, I would like to dedicate this book to all those who have helped me become the fighter and gladiator I am today.
So thank ye Kyi, Melina, Lec, Malezzerai, and Lilius.
Ye all have helped me greatly in my pursuits and adventures to better myself.

Table of Contents
Dedication: page 1
Contents: page 2
Punching: page 3
Kicking: page 4
Elbows: page 5
Knees: page 6
Grappling: page 7
Headbutts: page 8
Slamming heads: page 9
Body Slams: page 10
Uppercuts: page 11
Sucker Punches: page 12
Breaking Knees: page 13
Breaking Noses: page 14
Stomping: page 15
Slapping: page 16
Biting: page 17
Blocks: page 18
Improving Yourself: page 19


Ahh Punching..One of the most basic and simple moves that is so easy,
even a child could blacken an eye with it.
The key to getting a good solid punch is to aim for a place a few inches behind your target,
and to extend your arm fully to that point. Almost as if you are trying to punch
through your opponent.
The real and true of any of the moves explained here is to just let your body flow, and be relaxed.
Be like the water that flows in the rivers and streams, because though it doesn't look like much,
it still can wear anything down to nothing given time.


Next we have Kicking. Yes, another simple move, but one that if done correctly can still break bones.
The leg, thanks to its size and weight, is a more powerful weapon than the arm. The key to kicks, as with punch,
is to aim at a point past your target, and extend to that point. The fall back to kick is that yes,
it does leave you on one foot momentarily, and a skilled opponent can use that against you.


The elbow is one of the moves taken less seriously in brawling, but in all actuality, it is one of the stronger
ones because of one main reason. It is solid bone. The key to throwing a good elbow is all about your momentum
and placement. You have to be sure you have enough speed to get it past your opponent, and have the aim well
enough to get it in a good spot. If done properly, and well enough, the elbow can also break bones!


The knee, as with the elbow, is another hard hitting move that some underestimate as well.
And like the elbow, it is piece of solid bone that if used properly in a move, can break bones or even stun your opponent.
When using your knee in an attack, the best way is to lift it about waist high (not the groin area),
and nail it forwards into your opponents body. Doing the knee this way provides the best force and damage.
Although you can aim lower as well, say for the thighs and such, and yes, even the groin if your desperate.


Some of the most used moves in Brawling, are the grapples. They can range from a simple hair pull, to choking,
to even the might bear hug! With any of them though, what influences them the most, is your grip.
Without a strong grip, your opponent can slip out easily and go back on the offensive. One drawback with
grappling is that though you bring your opponent closer to you…you bring your opponent closer to you,
which makes you easier to hit. I'll explain a little about each of them now.
Hair pulling - The most basic of the three, which consists of grabbing a handful of your opponents hair,
and holding on for dear life to it while you continue to pummel them.
Choking - Ah the choke, its quite a breathtaking maneuver, literally. Case in point being, because you take
your hands and wrap them around your opponents throat and squeeze tightly. Doing this move can cut off your
opponents air supply and fatigue them pretty quickly. You can even release one hand, and continue to punch or
elbow them as well if the need arises Or even kick, knee, and stomp them.
Bear Hugs - Another breathtaking move, that if if done properly, can wear your opponent down swiftly.
With this move, you'll go at your target quickly with both your arms outstretched to the sides, and wrap them
around your target. You must be sure to grip your hands tightly together after the wrap so as to lock their arms
down in place. The next think you do is lift them up into the air, and squeeze them tightly. When squeezing
them you can also do other moves as well, just like with choking.


Butting someones head, or Headbutting as it is called, is a nice move to know, especially if you are in close to
your opponent, and want to do some quick damage to them. If done properly, you can stun, or even break your
targets face. When doing a headbutt, the best way is to use top, front corner of your head, or your forehead
as it is called. Being one of the harder bones in your body, it can be a very nice weapon,
when used in the right situations.

Head Slams

The Art of slamming someone head into an object or floor, is often confused with head butting, just because of
the name. In reality, it is an effective move to use when grappling with an opponents head,
say while Choking them, or pulling their hair.
The key to this move is all about momentum, you have to be sure you slam their head
into whatever object that is around with enough force or momentum, to cause significant damage. And yes, it is
possible to stun them or even break bones in their face by doing this. You just have to be sure they don't
struggle out of your grip before you can perform it.

Body Slams

Body Slamming, or the art of slamming your body into your opponent, in the hopes of knocking them down is a
decent move that depends mostly on your momentum, and the angle of where your arm hit them.
You want to be sure you get a good runnign start, with your arm outstretched to catch them hard in the chest or neck,
with considerable force to knock them down onto their back if possible.


When Uppercutting your target, the best place to catch them is directly under the chin.
When hitting here you want to have your fist balled tight,
and catch them just under the tip of their chin with enough force to daze them a moment if possible.
I have heard that some have even perfect this move to have enough force to lift someone off their feet,
but I have yet to see it done.

Sucker Punches

Oh distractions, how fun they can be. Distracting your opponent is the key to our next fun filled move,
The sucker punch.
You want to move your hand in the right way to catch their attention (I suggest a vulgar or goofy
move of your digits). And then, using your other hand, give a hard swing at them
while their are distracted and catch them unawares with the hit.

Breaking Knees

The Beauty of the Knee break is best done by a skilled brawler, but I can still explain the gist of it to you,
to help in your learning of it. The keys to performing this move are timing and
placement. The timing being to catch them off guard, and the placement being to catch
them right at the joint of their knee to cause them a surmountable amount of pain,
which cause them to collapse to the ground, stunned. Also, if done just right,
you can shatter their knee as well, cause even more pain to them.

Breaking Noses

Nose breaking, Or the art of re-arranging another face, has been a long standby of brawling form.
It is probably one of the older ones used, as people came up with it shortly after discovering they could punch.
The key to a good nose break is all about aim, seeing as the nose is made of a lot softer material than
most the body, all you have to do is get a precise shot in, and wham, your hit
can stun them a moment because of the pain,
or even break their nose, causing them to bleed all over the place.


Most breaks on any field of combat that brawlers frequent have been done by our next move, the Foot Stomp.
A move of force and accuracy, that can leave your opponent hobbling off in a different direction or cause them
to just collapse in pain upon the ground. The key to a good foot stomp if having enough force to cause
the damage required, but the accuracy needed to make it even more so dangerous.
You want to drive your foot down hard at your targets ankle,
so as to catch it at the opportune moment which causes the ankle to bend, hopefully causing an
immense amount of pain that makes the collapse, or just outright shattering it.


When you are mad or just want to humiliate your opponent, there is nothing better than a good hard slap.
Though mostly used on hysterical people in times of crisis, it is actually a very nice move to add to your
brawling skills. The key to a good slap, is all in the momentum. With enough momentum, you can stun, gash open
their skin, or even break their face. When doing this move, you will want your hand open, palm side out,
and then reach behind you to gather the momentum needed to strike your opponent good and hard across their face.


Oh the fun of biting. While fun for foreplay and when you are young to nip at the ankles of your sitters,
Biting is also a good move to use when grappled with an opponent. The key to taking a good bite out of someone
is to not bite their armor, because you can seriously break a tooth on that! For those that don't have a taste
for blood in their mouths, I would not recommend this move. Mainly because you can open a very nice
wound in their flesh, that will bleed quite a bit!


While limited, the blocks used in brawling can be quite useful in combat. There are only two of them to learn,
till someone develops more of them that is. and they are the face block, and the swat block.
I will describe how to do both of them below:
Face block - With the face block, the key is to cross your arms over your face to absorb the impact of the blow.
Though when fighting opponents with bladed weapons, a bit or armor or very study gloves
on your hands will keep them from getting sliced up very badly.
Swat Block - Now for the swat block. Basically, with this block, the name says it best.
you want to swat at the incoming attack at the right moment,
to deflect it away from you. Very plain, and very simple.

Improving yourself

Why improve yourself you ask? Very simple. You always want to keep learning and practicing for two reasons:
1 - The more you learn, the better you will become, and you will rise higher and strong in ranks of your peers.
2 - And last but most importantly, do you honestly think your enemies aren't training at this very moment?
Do you think they just sit around planning and devising ways to just keep getting beaten by you time and again?
No, they are working their butts off to get stronger and better at every moment they can.
For those of you who have taken up brawling to further yourself, I applaud you and admire your determination.
I bid you farewell, and Ereal Bless.

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