
VII. Magistracies

All magistracies are held for one-year terms, except for the censors,
which are held for four years. At the discretion of the Senate or
presiding Consul, Magistracies may be pro-rogued, or extended, beyond
the one-year limit. This shall generally be reserved for consuls or
praetors who are acting as governors of a province, or who are
executing a war.


Magistrates with positions that have Imperium shall be assumed to
own the authority of their office and cannot be disputed or denied,
provided they are acting within the limits of the office. The
following magistracies possess 'imperium' (in decreasing order of
authority): Dictator, Consul, Master of the Horse, Justice, Steward
of the City.

Imperium shall be granted for one year only, and any extension of such
shall be approved by the senate and/or the people. The symbol of
Imperium shall be the fasces, borne by the Lictors bound to the


Tribunes of the Soldiers
Twenty-four young people shall be elected by the entire assembly to
serve as legally elected officers of the army. Six shall be assigned
to each legion of the consuls. This position is pre-senatorial.

A person may hold quaestorship before or after entering the Senate,
but they have to be age 30 to do so. There are twelve such positions
available. The quaestor's primary responsibilities are fiscal. He
might be seconded to the Treasury, or to collecting customs or port
duties, or to collecting rent for state-owned lands either at home or
abroad, or to managing the finances of a province.

Steward of the City
The Steward of the City shall be responsible for public buildings,
public works, and archive of public documents. The Steward shall also
oversee the care of streets, water supply, drains and sewers, traffic,
public buildings, monuments, facilities, markets, weights and measures,
games, and the public grain supply. The Steward shall have the power
to fine citizens and non-citizens for breaking any regulations having
to do with any of the above matters, and is allowed to deposit the
fine money in his own coffer to help fund public games.

Justice of the City
The Justice of the City; shall be responsible for supervising justice
and courts of law in the city. The Justice of the City shall not be
absent from the city for more than ten days. In the absence of both
Consuls from the city, the Justice assumes the role of senior
magistrate, and shall have the power to summon the senate, make
decisions about how government policies are executed, and organize
the city's defenses in the event of an attack.

Regarding legal matters, the Justice of the City decides if two
litigants should be allowed to go to court or to a formal hearing,
and has the authority to decide such matters at his discretion.
The authority of the Justice of the City extends only one mile outside
the city walls.

The Foreign Justice
The Foreign Justice shall be responsible for legal matters and
lawsuits involving one or more parties who are not citizens of the
state. The Foreign Justice shall also be responsible for supervising
justice and courts of law for matters outside the walls of the city.

The consul shall be the most senior magistracy that bears imperium.
The proper age for a consul shall be no less than forty-two years.
There shall be two consulships available on a yearly basis, and the
office shall commence on the first day of the new year. The senior
senator presides during the first month, alternating monthly for the
rest of the year. The authority of the consul knows no bounds, and
they shall be responsible for command of any army. Each consul shall
be given two legions as his own, but can appropriate more of the army
for whatever purpose he wishes.

The censor shall possess no 'imperium' but is the most senior of the
city's magistrates. Only former consuls with superior social standing
and reputation should be considered for election as consul. Two
censors shall be elected for a four-year term. The censors oversee
and regulate membership of the senate, the order of the knights, and
those who hold the Public Horse. They shall be responsible for
conducting a census of the republic's population, at which time they
shall apply a test of means to each citizen. They may also have
authority over state contracts and various public works and buildings.

Special Magistracies

In times of great peril or extreme emergency the senate shall have the
authority to elect a dictator, the office of which shall only be
engaged for six months. The dictator shall be immune to all legal
accountability after his term of office is completed, and may not
be prosecuted for any actions executed during such term.

Master of the Horse
The Master of the Horse shall be appointed by a dictator to be his
second-in-command and war leader.

In the event of the death of both consuls, a senior senator shall be
chosen by the censors to be 'interrex', or interim consul, for five
days. He shall then be succeeded by another man for another five days.
This shall continue until new consuls can be elected.

Other Public Offices of High Reputation

Leader of the Senate
Chosen by the censors, the honored position of Leader of the Senate
shall be filled by one who has been a leader of a ten, has been
'interrex' more times than any other senator, and who has an
indisputable moral character.

High Priest of the City
The High Priest of the City shall be the head of the State Religion
of Ereal and shall be the most senior priest of the city. He shall
occupy the most prestigious state-owned house, and oversee all
elements of the state religion.

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