Scroll Former Acolyte Notes

Sect of Revealing Light

Eye of Ereal -Jarin Seneda
Pool - oversees Walkers
Four Glasses - oversees five temples each and meet with the Eye several times
a year.
Revealer - one in each temple, a Glass meets with 5 Revealers
Focus - leads the group in spellcasting or oversees small gtoups
Brother/Sister is the general term for priests with no affiliation
or title or if they are just friends.
Walkers - General term for unattached priests or those on special assignments
Sect of Nurturing Light

Heart of ereal - Drusus Rustius
Seed - oversees walkers
7 Mists - oversees 5 temples
Druid - oversees 1 temple
Guide - oversees a department in a temple
Focus - see above
Sect of Healing Light

Hand of Ereal - Bernard Tubero
5 Glimmers - oversees 5 temples each
Shepherd - oversees a department
Focus - see before
Comforter - dedicates their lives to working at the hospice as a healer
Gather - oversees the walkers
Acolyte Levels

Initiate, Initiate-Elect, Novice, Apprentice (Shepherd-Elect)
The Heart Stone in Monlon is the place of ceremony to Novice from Initiate-Elect. It will either accept or reject the acolyte. The novice starts the prerequisites for learning magic. The Apprentice works more closely with a priest and performs ceremonies. The Apprentice also learns basic spells before becoming a priest/ess.
Notes by Initiate Luminae

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